Rader Lane

Night Skies in our National Parks (CC)

A Talk by Rader Lane (Night Sky Ranger, National Park Service)

About this Talk

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National parks are some of the last remaining sanctuaries of pristine natural darkness in the United States. Yet for most visitors, their park experience ends with the sunset.

Join Rader Lane, park ranger at the Grand Canyon, to learn about the efforts of the National Park Service to protect our precious night skies, and discover why “half the park is after dark.”

Did you know that the National Park Service supports a Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division? Did you know that night sky programs are by far the most popular interpretive talks at the Grand Canyon? Did you know that Night Sky Rangers are a real thing?

Rader will also reveal Grand Canyon National Park’s process of becoming the largest, most complex International Dark Sky Park in the world. He will share how Night Sky Rangers inspire visitors to see the values of dark night skies, spread awareness about the threats of light pollution and explore society’s complex relationships with natural darkness.

Finally, discover opportunities to share your passion for the night skies through exciting new programs taking root in the national parks, such as the Astronomer in Residence Program.

February 04, 2022, 08:45 PM

08:45 PM - 09:45 PM

About The Speakers

Rader Lane

Rader Lane

Night Sky Ranger, National Park Service

National Park Ranger. Night Sky Advocate. Naturalist.