Alex McGregor

Ambassador, Photographer, Move-Shoot-Move Ambassador for Move-Shoot-Move. Collaborating with Olympus. Admin for @nationalparkfans.

About this speaker

Always interested in photography, Alex McGregor didn't fully realize the abilities of a camera until he pointed it at the night sky. From his first image of the stars, Alex was hooked, and he has dedicated many sleepless nights to enjoying the dark nights and trying to capture just a fraction of their beauty on camera. Living in the mountains of Colorado is perfect for him, as he also loves skiing, mountain biking and teaching other star enthusiasts how to get the most of their camera gear.

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Nights in Motion: From the Sharpest Stars to Dynamic Time-Lapses (sponsored by Move-Shoot-Move) (CC)

February 06, 2022, 08:45 PM
Glen Tillyard Alex McGregor