Help & Support
Have questions? Need help? We're here for you!
During the summit hours, you can connect with us via the chat below. Also be sure to read our Frequently Asked Questions further down the page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I contact you?
A: No problem, we want to help! Anyone can email us at [email protected]. If you are a registered attendee, you may also contact us through the private Attendee Facebook group.
Q: I bought a ticket, but when I visit the website, I'm asked to buy one again. How do I get in with the ticket I already bought?
A: At the top right of any page, click Login. Click "I'm an attendee." Enter your email address and click Continue. Enter your password and click Login.
If you get a message saying there are not attendees registered with that address, check your registration email confirmation to ensure you are using the correct email address. If so, contact us at [email protected] for help.
If your password is not working, or you don't remember your password, click "I've forgotten my password."
Q: How will I get notifications for the talks?
A: Many ways!
The site we are using to host the event sends these automatic emails.
• If you added talks during sign-up, the 30 minutes after registering you should get a "Here's your schedule..." email.
• You will also get a "Daily Digest" at the beginning of each day of the summit with info on the talks you registered for.
• You will also get one email for each talk you are registered for 20 minutes before it starts. (You may opt out of these reminders.)
• At 2 p.m. the day before we start, you will receive a "See you soon" email.
• At the end of each day, you will receive an email with links to the Replay pages.
On top of all that, once you log into the website you will have your own schedule right there with all the links you need to get into the separate sessions.
You can also add new talks to your schedule at any time.
Q: What time zone are the talks held in?
A: Unless indicated otherwise, the times on this website should reflect the accurate times of the talks based on the time zone set on your computer/device. In our advertising, time are listed in Eastern Standard (EST), and are indicated as such.
Q: How do I attend the sessions I signed up for?
A: The weekend of the summit, all of the talks will be accessible right on the page for that talk. Simply visit the Schedule page and click on the talk you want to attend.
Q: Do I need a Zoom account to watch the presentations?
A: No. This year we are not using Zoom for the presentations. We will, however, use Zoom for the Under the Moon and Under the Stars parties.
Q: Will the sessions be recorded?
A: Yes! And with your summit registration, you will have one (1) year of access to the streaming replays with your login to
Q: I won't be able to attend all the sessions I want to. What should I do?
A: Don't worry, you can watch them all in replays. We will work hard to post them ASAP so you can see them quickly. You will get notifications via email for all the sessions you chose. You can watch any and all sessions on replay for up to a year following the summit, including the ones you attended live and even ones you didn't register for.
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: All sales are final, and we do not offer refunds. Please keep in mind you can watch all the sessions for a year. Thank you for understanding.
Q: USA residents: When will I receive my Summit T-shirt?
A: That depends on when you completed your registration. It takes a few weeks for shirts to be printed and shipped, and the state of shipping delays makes ETAs nearly impossible. For folks who register by noon EST of January 14, the shirts should arrive right around the conference weekend. People who register after that will still get a shirt, but it will arrive a few weeks after the conference weekend.
Q: International Residents: I'd like a custom T-shirt, how do I go about getting one?
A: Email us at [email protected], and we can arrange for international shipping.
Q: Do I have to be present at a talk to be eligible for that speaker's giveaway?
A: You do not need to be in attendance, but you do need to register for a talk to be eligible for the giveaway. A name (or names if multiple giveaways) will be chosen randomly from among those registered.
Talk With Customer Service
Many thanks to Sandra Ramos who helped during the summit. Live attendees could reach out via Zoom during the hours posted below. Any questions you have, any assistance you need, feel free to touch base right here.
Either click this link or the image to the right.
Help Hours
Friday 2/4: 9 a.m. EST through the last session
Saturday 2/5: 10:30 a.m. EST through the last session
Sunday 2/6 10:30 a.m. EST through the last session
Email Support
Alternatively, you may email at any time: [email protected]